Bodhran Tippers Of The World-Part 4

by MichelleStewart on June 3, 2013

Another awesome collection of bodhran tippers from around the world. One of my personal favourites is featured here. It’s Julie’s David Robson fleecy tipper. I have one and everyone who tries it wants it. I love watching people’s facial expressions when they play this one for the first time.

You can click on any of the photos for a larger view.

Enjoy – and try not to get drool on your computer 🙂

Drum On!

~ Michelle

                                    Part 4

Manitoba, Canada

Julie Leduchowski’s Collection

So here are the old faithfuls.- above from L to R:

  1. Original tipper that came with MIP drum. No details. Actually a decent all-round tipper to use. Was the only one I had for ages.
  2. Snakewood tipper – by Eoin Leonard of Belgarth Bodhrans.  Best for pops, but otherwise a bit too skinny for my liking.
  3. Walnut tipper – Belgarth – one of my 2 favs – solid and heavy, but agile.
  4. Ash tipper – matches wood on drum – Belgarth – used to use this one a lot, but now I find it too light.
  5. Weighted, ribbed tipper – traded it with Paul Mason at the Gaelic College last year for a big thick Oak tipper I had that really needed man hands to play it. This is my other fav. Also responsible for scratching the skin on my drum while playing the “stick clicky thing” at GC. I prefer to think of it as character. I use this one most during noisy sessions, and refer to it as the “more obnoxious” one, as it is a bit louder because of the weight. Also like to tell people it is ribbed for extra pleasure.
  6. I made a couple of brushes from a whisk broom and duct tape as well, use them to play waltzes mostly. Nice and swishy.
Above L to R: first 5 are the new long-awaited David Robson set – personalized with my nickname Bossy Boots (given to me by David Robson).
  1. Double clicker, I think it is paduak wood. Love this one, light and not too clicky, just clicky enough.
  2. Single-ended click stick – good to play with, but I suspect it might suit a top end player better. Nice weight to hold, lovely balance of deep attack and light click.
  3. Double-ended brush – still learning how to use this – it is useless in a noisy session, but quite effective on a quieter tune or song. The black end is stiffer, I tend to use it most.
  4. Leather-tipped acrylic – this is a monster to use. Very heavy, but has a lot of volume, leather adds a mellow sound. Wouldn’t use this on a regular basis, maybe outside…
  5. Hot rod – I don’t really like this one. It is too thick and clumsy for me. I can’t seem to get the hang of it, and tend to switch to others favourites.
  6. Hot rod made at the Gaelic College under the expert tutelage of Michelle Stewart. Also, she had the supplies. LOVE this tipper.

Fleecy top tipper. This one was a total surprise to me – it is AWESOME – subtle, but so very talkative. The mellow tones it produces make one think it is a whole new drum!

Julie Leduchowski – Manitoba, Canada


Alison Goodman’s Collection

My collection so far. Some tippers I have modified to play different sounds.

I get my inspiration from other drummers and what they use.
Left to right
  1. Old tipper given away to me because “he couldn’t get it to work!” I added the black tape and now it’s my favourite but I have to hit it hard.
  2. Pine with fat ends – designed after meeting a guy that had pipe band influence.
  3. Old regular drum set stick cut to length and groovy leather finger grip added. Plays one ended only
  4. Reed stack modified with grip tape and bands to keep them under control.
  5. Standard Waltons
  6. Brush that I can use behind the drum for “marching” tunes

Alison Goodman – Australia

Connecticut, USA

Teresa Mecca’s Collection

From left to right:

  1. Glenn Stout original
  2. Brian’s Bodhran Beaters
  3. Great Big Sea
  4. Davey Drums
  5. 2 others
….a meager collection, but I use my Glenn Stout original about 97% of the time!
Take care
Teresa Mecca – Connecticut, USA

New York, USA

Anne Grey Savitt’s Collection

The last 5 just arrived with my new (used) Belgarth drum.  Fun all around!
Left to right, the tippers are:
  1. Tipper that came with my Waltons drum
  2. Brian’s Bodhran Beater “Celtic Knot” (one of my favorites)
  3. Christian Hedwitschak Makassar “ebony” tipper
  4. to 8.  New tippers that arrived with my drum, source unknown.
Anne Grey Savitt – New York, USA

Illinois, USA

Michelle Golden’s Collection

Here are the pictures of my tipper collection. Brian of Brian’s Bodhran Beaters made each of these.

The first pic is left to right:
  1. Tiger Maple “Sailor” with Celtic Knotwork and a Shamrock
  2. Maple “JJ Speed Beater”
  3. Cocobolo “Bobbin Style”
  4. Ebony “Shorty”
The first three were crafted specifically for me, to help me learn to play despite moderate spastic cerebral palsy. The cocobolo one is special because it contains wood of two different densities, which gives each side a different weight, feel and sound.
The “Shorty” is actually one of Brian’s personal tippers he sent to me as a gift.
Have a wonderful day,
Misha (Michelle Golden) – Illinois, USA

Nevada, USA

Lindsey Panton’s Collection

Here is my very small tipper collection: (Left to Right)

  1. Large tipper made by a friend
  2. Rosewood knob tipper with fleece-glove-finger-tip covers for playing softly with singers at sessions
  3. Favorite rosewood sloped knob tipper
  4. First attempt at making my own tipper on the lathe
  5. & 6. Two home made rod bundle tippers.
Lindsey Panton – Reno, Nevada

Saint Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Katherine Power’s Collection

All but one of my tippers come from Ireland: (Left to right)

  1. Ireland – first one I got – came with my first bodhran
  2. Picked it up in Roundstone, Ireland
  3. This one I got in Canada – it’s a Steafan Hannigan – he’s a multi talented session artist. I was introduced to it by Ewan Baird of the Paul Mckenna Band (they are Scottish – maybe you’ve heard of them). The tipper is a whole bunch of sticks held together and I like the sound it makes – one of my faves ’cause it’s different.
  4. It’s made of Oak – from Ireland
  5. Two kinds of Oak – I bought ’cause I thought it was pretty
  6. The dark one – made of ebony – love this one.  It came from Custy’s Music Shop in Ennis, Ireland. It has great weight – easy to hold – nice sound.
  7. The reddish one – one end is rubber (I don’t think it shows up in the photo I sent you) – it’s also from Ireland. I’m not sure about the wood because it’s stained. I like the sound from the rubber end better than the wood end.
  8. It had really rounded ends so I wanted to try it. It came from Roundstone Ireland as well – hardly use it so that must mean something:)
  9. From Ireland – use it when my hands are tired – it’s light weight.
  10. It’s longer than all the rest – thought it would make triplets easier and it does.
  11. Same as the first one – not sure why I have two – hmm – I could trade it.

Katherine Power – Ontario, Canada

Arkansas, USA

Patrick Lindsey’s Collection

All of my tippers were gifts from my Bodhran playing wife, so I don’t know much about their origins.

The outer two are the ones I use most. They are identical, but I tend to drop tippers, so it is good to have a spare.

The second from the right is a light maple tipper that I zip- tied scraps of a guitar polishing cloth to, so as to lessen the attack on some quiet ballads.

The other two see only occasional use. They are sitting on my 16″ bodhran which is sitting on a Deagan marimba from the 1930’s all is well with us.

I hope you and yours are well.

Patrick Lindsey – Arkansas, USA

New Brunswick, Canada

Kate Armstrong’s Collection

Here is my meagre tipper collection (compared to yours 🙂

I am Kate from beautiful Belleisle – not the Bay but up the Creek – Belleisle Creek – Canada

I started playing bodhran after I gave my son, Jerad, a Malachy Kearns bodhran that sat in the box for years as I didn’t know how to play it. He found your free YouTube videos and it was love at first sight! We both started our journey on the love of the bodhran. I joined your Platinum Bodhran Expert Site and took your online tutorial having no idea the challenge that was about to unfold. It was through the Facebook Bodhran Expert Platinum Group that I learned about Christian Hedwitshak drums and was able to purchase one of his last Lite Line Drums as he is not producing them any more. This drum is the love of my life! and I am hooked for life!

My tipper collection includes from left to right:
  1. My favourite  – Christian Hedwitschak – his original china bristle tipper that I purchased along with his Lite Line Drum
  2. Just a generic tipper purchased at a local music store
  3. Another favourite made by a local drum stick maker – closest to my area in Hanwell – near Fredericton, NB – speciality made for Sean McCann of Great Big Sea
  4. The tipper that came with my very first bodhran made by Malachy Kearns and is weighted on the ends
  5. & 6. Walton’s tippers unfinished wood and finished wood that also came with Walton’s bodhran purchases – hence the Walton’s bag
Michelle, I really am truly thankful for how much you share of yourself with all of the world and am truly grateful for your inspiration and mentorship. 
Thank YOU, THANK you, THANK YOU!!!!
Kate Armstrong
Belleisle Creek, Canada

To view Part 1 of the Bodhran Tippers Of The World Collection Click Here

To view Part 2 Click Here

To view Part 3 Click Here

To view Part 5 Click Here

If you have any of the tippers featured in the collections or want to share insight that might be useful to your fellow drummers please leave a comment below.



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Deb Perry September 25, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Wow a great array and very interesting for this beginner to see…I’d better get playing again as we have been away for a month, improve and start to get some different sounds happening on my Bodhran. I do have a good array of spoons I now play for around the world but only one tipper.

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